Today is the celebration of the number Pi – the most famous of the non-measurable numbers

Few other numbers have lived to see so many admirers! The number Pi has been commemorated not only in poems, songs, books, but also in film. March 14 is celebrated as international Pi number day. Math enthusiasts then devote their attention to the most famous of the non-dimensional numbers.

The day of the number Pi is celebrated on March 14. The date was chosen not by accident – in the United States it is written as 3.14, which is the approximate value of the number Pi. Pi number day was celebrated for the first time in 1988. At the Exploratorium science museum in San Francisco. Now, math lovers from r are joining the celebrationoof the worldoin the world.

Pi can be defined as the ratio of the length of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Or as the field of a circle with a radius of 1. If the constant were simply 3.14 – because that’s how we remember its approximation in school – it would be infinitely less interesting than it actually is. All its beauty is that its decimal expansion will never end.

So even 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 is still not the whole thing, but only the beginning of the expansion of the number Pi. Although we would calculate successive digits after the decimal point for a lifetime, ba even for the time the Universe exists, we will not reach the last digit of this constant. And with the understanding of what is the infinity of human mozg is not doing too well. Reflecting on the number Pi thus gives a foretaste of what infinity can be in mathematics.

It may also work on the imagination that the digits in the number Pi appear – as it may seem – quite randomly (the number Pi is non-periodic). Mathematicians therefore believe that any number can be found in the expansion. It doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday or, for example. The text of our entire favorite book encoded in numbers. Of course, there is one important condition: you have to have infinite time to look for it.

The number Pi is one of the first non-dimensional numbers discovered by humans. And that means it cannot be represented as the result of dividing dwoch integers. Others of such unquantifiable fame are, for example. The golden number (fi), the number e (the basis of the natural algorithm) or the root of twooch.

Today, more than a dozen trillion are knownow (so millionoin a milliono(w) the first decimal places of the number Pi. Fortunately, computers are nowadays helping mathematicians with the calculations.

In the past, however, calculations were done by hand. One of the more famous aficionadosoin the number Pi was mathematician Ludolph van Ceulen, whoory lived in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. He has spent a lifetime on calculating successive decimal places, and the result of his work – The first 35 digits of the expansion of the number Pi – placed on his tombstone.

To commemorate the mathematician’s fascination with the number Pi is sometimes fondly referred to as ludolphin.