Dark matter can move as a result of star formation

A new study by a scientistow from the University of Surrey, Carnegie Mellon University and ETH Zürich have confirmed that dark matter in the Universe is in motion. Evidence gathered by researchers indicates that dark matter can be heated and pushed out of the center of the galaxy by star formation processes. The discoveries provide new indicationsowks on the nature of dark matter.

Dark matter is hypothetical matter thatora does not emit or reflect light radiation, so it is very difficult to detect it. But its existence is betrayed by the gravitational effects it exerts. Thusob scientists explain the anomalies in the rotation of galaxies and the movement of galaxies in clusters of.

Scientists are still trying to figure out the exact nature of dark matter and what creates it. According to them, dark matter accounts for about 27 percent of the. The balance of mass and energy of the Universe around us – In addition to ordinary matter and dark energy (ktora is also a hypothetical form of energy). Only about 5 percent. The matter in the Universe is that whichothat we can see – planets, stars and other objects.

Dark matter in the Universe is believed to be non-baryonic in nature. Probably consists of as yet undiscovered subatomic particles. However, since it does not interact with light in the same wayob as normal matter, it can only be observed through gravitational effects, ktorych cannot be explained unless there is more matter than can be seen. For this reason, most expertsow believes that dark matter is ubiquitous in the Universe, exerting a strong influence on its structure and evolution. Key to its study may be how stars in galaxies are formed.

Scientists hunting for dark matter observed nearby dwarf galaxies. These are small galaxies, ktore usually found in the orbits of larger galaxies, such as our Milky Way. They may contain indicationsowki, ktore can help usoc to better understand the nature of dark matter.

When stars form, strong winds can push gas and dust out of the heart of the galaxy. As a result, the center of the galaxy has less mass, which affects dark matter. With less gravitational pull, dark matter gains energy and migrates away from the center. This so-called. The effect of heating dark matter.

In the new research, the compositeoł astrophysicistow measured the amount of dark matter at the centers of 16 dwarf galaxies based on its gravitational interaction with surrounding visible matter. The galaxies studied had very rothe history of star formation in them. Scientists have found that galaxies in which the galaxy’sorych long ago stopped forming stars, had a higher concentration of dark matter in their centers than those in which theorych stars still forming

– We have found a truly remarkable relationship between the amount of dark matter in the centers of dwarf galaxies and the number of stars ktore formed in them throughout their lives. Dark matter in the centers of these star-forming dwarf galaxies appears to be heated up and pushed out – said Professor Justin Read, head of theowny author of the study from the University of Surrey.

The findings bring us closer to understanding what dark matter actually is. They provide roalso a new framework for dark matter models, suggesting that the density of matter in a galaxy is linked to star formation processes. Syndromeoł scientistsow hopes to expand his research to include measurements from more dwarf galaxies.

Sourceobackground: University of Surrey, photo. J. Read. In the picture, star formation in small dwarf galaxies. The image on the left shows the hydrogen density of a simulated dwarf galaxy. On the right we see the same for the real dwarf galaxy IC 1613. In the simulation, the repeated inflow and outflow of hydrogen causes fluctuations in the gravitational field strength at the center of the dwarf galaxy. Dark matter responds by migrating from the center of the galaxy.