Lymphoma – why it is easily mistaken for a cold?

Symptoms of lymphoma are not specific and often resemble those of. the common cold. The patient feels weakness, has a cough, is bothered by night sweats. It is also common to see enlarged lymph nodes in the patient. If you experience such complaints, you should see a doctor.

Lymphoma, or canceror malignancy caused by abnormal proliferation of comorek of the lymphatic system, can affect anyone regardless of age and gender. It affects women, men, the young and the elderly. However, much depends on the variety of lymphoma.

According to the basic division of wyroHodgkin’s lymphoma, or so-called “Hodgkin’s lymphoma”, is a disease of the heart. Malignant granuloma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, or non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, to which theorych should be Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, follicular lymphoma or Burkitt’s lymphoma.

While Hodgkin’s lymphoma is more common in young people, with peaks in incidence between the ages of 20 and 40 and after 50. year of life, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas most often affect waspsob elderly – over 60 years of age. For more information about lymphoma, visit https://www.dkms.en/o-blood cancers

What are the symptoms of lymphoma?

Symptoms of lymphomaow are non-specific – are feelings of fatigue, weakness, significant weight loss, night sweats. Also common are enlarged lymph nodes, recurrent infections gornych drog of the respiratory and pulmonary systems, elevated body temperature, shortness of breath, long-lasting cough and itchy skory.

In the next stage of the comocancerous tumors can infiltrate many structures and organsow – m.In. bone marrow, przewod gastrointestinal or mozgowa, and enlarged lymph nodes can compress adjacent structures. For this reason, failure of certain organs may occur during the course of the diseaseow, e.g. edema nog, ascites, bol abdomen, anemia or immunodeficiency.

What is the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma?

To rule out or confirm lymphoma, a lymph node should be taken, whichory may be, according to observations. covered by the disease process. By microscopic evaluation of a section taken, it is possible to diagnose tumoror and rule out other causes of node enlargementoin the lymph nodes. It is possible roalso determine the type of cancer and determine further management.

Often blood and bone marrow morphology is also performed to assess the extent of spread of lymphoma to the bone marrow. On the other hand, X-rays, ultrasound or CT scans allow to assess the progression of the disease.

Treatment of lymphoma consists primarily of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is worth remembering that the earlier the lymphoma is detected, the greater the chances of its complete cure!